Monday, August 18, 2008

Nogovitsin: Georgia had been preparing for aggressions against South Ossetia since 2006

Ноговицын: Грузия вела подготовку агрессии против Южной Осетии с 2006 года

Georgian military maps which have fallen into Russian hands indicate that Georgia had been preparing for aggressions against South Ossetia since 2006. As Anatoliy Nogovitsyn, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, stated at a Moscow press conference, two maps belonging to a commander of an infantry battalion have fallen into Russian hands, both in the Georgian language. Analysis of these maps shows that Georgia had long prepared for this operation in South Ossetia, reports an IA Regnum correspondent.


According to the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, the planned military operations of the Georgian army were drawn on the maps. One of the main objectives, as confirmed by the maps, was to form a blockade around the posts of Russian peacekeepers in the territory of South Ossetia; another aim was to completely isolate South Ossetia from Russia in order to block reinforcements from the peacekeeping contingent.

IA Regnum

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